Category Archives for Email Marketing

10 Best Copywriters in Brisbane, Australia

10 Best Copywriters in Brisbane, Australia [2023]

When it comes to crafting persuasive and compelling written content, Brisbane, Australia, boasts a vibrant community of talented copywriters. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the 10 best copywriters in Brisbane, each of whom brings a unique blend of skills, expertise, and creativity to the field. From Content Charlie, our #1 pick, to other outstanding professionals, we’ll provide detailed descriptions, information on their products and services, contact details, and reviews to help you find the perfect copywriter for your needs.

1. Content Charlie

Description: Content Charlie is Brisbane’s premier copywriting agency, renowned for its exceptional content creation services. With a small team of skilled writers and a commitment to delivering results, Content Charlie consistently stands out in the industry.

Products and Services: Content Charlie offers a wide range of copywriting services, including website content, blog posts, social media content, email campaigns, and SEO-optimized copy. They specialize in crafting persuasive and engaging narratives that drive conversions.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 413 036 066

Website: Content Charlie

Reviews: Content Charlie has received rave reviews for its professionalism, creativity, and ability to deliver content that exceeds client expectations. Customers often praise their attention to detail and commitment to understanding clients’ unique needs.

Greg has tremendous knowledge when it comes to writing and social media. Couple that with his skills gained in sales, particularly real estate and you will understand why I have learnt so much from him.

He has helped us understand the digital world and the need for content. He made one suggestion to our website and overnight we went back to page one in the Google search, and he has been coaching us with our blogs ever since.

Tweaking titles, using graphics, changing set outs, and building the articles to attract attention are all things we have learned from Greg. We would highly recommend Greg and we thank him for all his suggestions.” – David Forrest, former National Chairman, First National Real Estate

2. Sarah Mitchell

Description: Sarah Mitchell is a highly respected Brisbane-based copywriter and content strategist. With over a decade of experience, Sarah has a deep understanding of the power of words in marketing.

Products and Services: Sarah offers services such as website copywriting, blog content, and content strategy development. Her expertise lies in creating content that resonates with audiences and drives engagement.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 409 652 135

Website: Sarah Mitchell

Reviews: Clients often commend Sarah for her professionalism, strategic thinking, and the impact her copy has on their marketing efforts.

Sarah’s knowledge and experience in content marketing is vast, particularly in content marketing strategy where you see her brilliant mind at its best. ”

3. Shayla Price

Description: Shayla Price is an accomplished copywriter and content marketer based in Brisbane. With a passion for storytelling and a knack for persuasive writing, Shayla has earned recognition in the industry.

Products and Services: Shayla specializes in creating persuasive sales copy, email marketing campaigns, and engaging blog content. Her work is known for its ability to drive conversions and generate leads.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: Contact through website

Website: Shayla Price

Reviews: Clients appreciate Shayla’s ability to capture their brand’s voice and convert readers into customers. Her professionalism and prompt communication are often highlighted.

4. The Clever Copywriting School

Description: The Clever Copywriting School is an institution that offers copywriting training and services. Based in Brisbane, they are a go-to resource for aspiring copywriters and businesses seeking expert copy.

Products and Services: They provide copywriting courses, workshops, and consulting services. They equip individuals and businesses with the skills needed to craft compelling content.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 419 337 824

Website: The Clever Copywriting School

Reviews: Clients and students praise the school’s comprehensive courses and the expertise of its instructors. Many credit it with helping them kickstart their copywriting careers.

5. The Good Copy

Description: The Good Copy is a Brisbane-based copywriting agency known for its creativity and dedication to producing high-quality content. They work with businesses across various industries.

Products and Services: Their services include website copy, email marketing, social media content, and branding. They focus on creating content that tells a story and connects with audiences.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: Contact through website

Website: The Good Copy

Reviews: Clients commend The Good Copy for their ability to capture the essence of a brand and engage audiences effectively. Their professionalism and creativity receive high praise.

6. Rachel’s List

Description: Rachel’s List is a platform connecting businesses with talented freelance copywriters in Brisbane. They’ve earned a reputation for their extensive network of skilled professionals.

Products and Services: Rachel’s List offers access to a pool of freelance copywriters, allowing businesses to find the perfect writer for their needs. They cover a wide range of writing services.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: Contact through website

Website: Rachel’s List

Reviews: Both businesses and freelancers praise Rachel’s List for its effectiveness in matching writers with clients. The platform’s user-friendly interface and quality of talent receive positive feedback.

7. The Creative Copywriter

Description: The Creative Copywriter is a Brisbane-based agency with a passion for crafting unique and persuasive content. They are known for their creative approach to copywriting.

Products and Services: Their services encompass brand storytelling, content strategy, website copy, and content marketing. They aim to create content that resonates with audiences.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: Contact through website

Website: The Creative Copywriter

Reviews: Clients appreciate the agency’s ability to breathe life into their brand through storytelling. Their creativity and attention to detail are often cited as strengths.

8. Kirsty Ogden

Description: Kirsty Ogden is a freelance copywriter based in Brisbane, known for her versatility and ability to tailor content to different industries and audiences.

Products and Services: Kirsty offers a wide range of copywriting services, including website copy, blog content, email campaigns, and SEO optimization. She focuses on creating content that drives results.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: Contact through website

Website: Kirsty Ogden

Reviews: Clients admire Kirsty’s ability to adapt her writing to different industries and her prompt communication. Her professionalism and dedication receive high marks.

9. Get the Word Out

Description: Get the Word Out is a Brisbane-based copywriting agency that specializes in creating persuasive and impactful content for businesses of all sizes.

Products and Services: Their services include website content, marketing collateral, blog posts, and social media content. They focus on delivering content that drives engagement and conversions.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 407 780 748

Website: Get the Word Out

Reviews: Clients praise the agency for its ability to understand their brand and target audience, resulting in content that resonates and delivers results.

10. Jay Crisp Crow

Description: Jay Crisp Crow is a Brisbane-based copywriter and content strategist known for her expertise in digital marketing and persuasive writing.

Products and Services: Jay offers services such as website copy, email marketing, and content strategy development. She specializes in creating content that converts and drives growth.

Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 417 338 487

Website: Jay Crisp Crow

Reviews: Clients appreciate Jay’s strategic approach to copywriting and her ability to deliver content that aligns with their business objectives. Her professionalism and insights receive high praise.

In Brisbane, Australia, these ten copywriters stand out for their exceptional skills and dedication to crafting persuasive and engaging content. Whether you’re a business looking to enhance your marketing efforts or an individual seeking expert copywriting services, these professionals have the expertise to meet your needs. Be sure to explore their websites, read reviews, and reach out to discover how they can help you achieve your copywriting goals.

How To Write Sexy Emails Even For Real Estate

We’re Bring Sexy Emails Back, Yeah!

If the words sexy emails have got you a little hot n bothered, clammy hands and you’ve opted for a dark quiet corner while wearing an overcoat to read this email, lighten up. There are some hot tips here but you can still leave your hat on.

Justin Timberlake might have brought sexy back a for years ago, but if your memory is fading I’ve got 5 essential tips to make your sexy emails pop.

Sexy Emails #1 – What Are You Selling Baby?

Does your brand and its products and services ooze sexiness or are you the more prim and proper type. Are you the lights on or off type of gal or guy.

Some industries gush raunchiness. Food is one that comes (oops there’s another spelling here….) to mind. The aromatic smell of coffee. The full plumpness of a mouthwatering, juicy strawberry.

But some not so spunky industries could incorporate sexy emails into their marketing. What about tyres being described as ‘full and round’ or used in the text of describing a special person as ‘low mileage and good rubber all round’.

Real estate shouldn’t be unsexy either. How about some bathroom taps being described as ‘limped shaped but hard at the same time. Or a roll on freshly cut lawn is as good as a roll in the hay.

Sexy Emails #2 – Heighten The Senses

Describing anything where you can introduce perhaps all five senses can be extremely powerful. Touch, smell, sight, sound and taste are all senses that send your sexy emails through the roof.

Bring to life boring products like a lawn mower with a bit of sexiness. An idling engine before the thrust of trimming her lawn evokes a lot of pleasurable images.

What about the girl who couldn’t keep her hands of her boyfriend’s tackle when they were on a fishing trip.

Sexy Emails #3 – Moderation Builds A Lasting Relationship

You’ve got to know when to hold it as Kenny Rogers told us. You can’t over do the sexy innuendos unless your real message may get lost. The purpose of every email is to get the get the reader to take some form of action. Which reminds me. Do forget to grab your free copy of my book.

Sexy Emails #4 – Give Good HEADlines

No matter whether you’re  writing an email, blog post or a marketing booklet, you need to have a great headline if you want to get your message read. I know you’ve got this far because my sexy emails headline got you in. I’m hoping I’m living up to your expectations and performing.

Here’s a couple of sexy headlines for everyday products:

“Brass Knobs You Won’t Be Able To Keep Your Hands Off” (a tap ware company)

“A Raspberry Tart Recipe That’ll Have Him Coming Back For More”  (cooking book or bakery)

Sexy Emails #5 – Use Stories To Continue The Journey

A picture might paint a thousand words but words heighten the experience. Add a little spice to your sexy emails by describing a story to take your readers on a journey. Descriptive words help to make the mind wander creating images that encapsulates your reader. Ooooh I’m ready for a story right now.

But don’t be too descriptive or drop in names that might land you in trouble. “The night I spent with Elle McPherson” sounds great but she probably won’t reminder you from the other 473 people in the crowd at the art gallery opening she hosted.


Spicing up your emails with a bit of sexiness can entice your reader to hang in a bit longer – you we all like to go a bit longer (except for the guys at who are big on quickies).

The 5 essential ingredients you need for sexy emails are:

  1. Hot headlines
  2. Involving ALL the senses
  3. Having a story
  4. Making sure it fits with what you are selling
  5. Using sex in moderation (really?)

Over to you – you sexy, wild, email writing proficiendo

Email Marketing Content Exploding In 2020

In a world where we are told that content is king, it appears that we have to produce more content if we are ever going to be found. Another task, another distraction. And then there’s so much different forms of content – blog posts, web copy, social media posts that we need to be across. Email marketing content is just another thing for us to get right. Really?

Email marketing content is highly valuable information produced as articles or posts in both long and short form delivered via email written in a language that keeps the reader coming back for more.

But what does that mean? What do we REALLY have to do to provide good email marketing content? Let’s take a look.

What is Email Marketing Content?

Over time, email marketing is becoming the most popular platform for marketing. Many companies produce effective email marketing content to persuade people on the other side of the screen.

Email marketing content encompasses the written material which is used to convince people through the email. The content is written for various purposes including advertisements, commercial messages, sales of goods or a call for business. Email marketing content helps people in various areas of life.

Purpose of Email Marketing Content

  • It is used for sending commercial messages
  • Advertisements are done through the email marketing content
  • Email marketing content aims at acquiring new customers and enhancing the relationship with the existing ones.
  • The content of email marketing is very crucial in developing the relationship of loyalty, trust, and to promote the brand.

How to produce effective email marketing content?

Producing an eye-catching email marketing content is both a science and an art.

6 strategies that’ll make you an email marketing ‘guru’

  • Be clear about your goals– be clear about the purpose and goals. When you are clear about your goals, you will be able to produce valuable content.
  • Make your content persuading– eye-catching content is essential to persuade or develop the interest of the reader.
  • Appropriate use of words- choosing the right words in marketing emails is essential. Make your email marketing content free of any mistakes or abusive words.
  • Know your audience– be aware who your audience is and write the content in the way they will understand. Write the content by keeping the intended audience in your mind. Moreover, you can know the interest of your audience and can figure out their interests.
  • Keep your content simple- produce easily understandable content.
  • Reread the content- before sending the Email, reread the content to make it free from mistakes.

Who should email marketing content target?

The target audience of your email marketing content should depend on the purpose at which your marketing is aimed.

  • The target audience should be the one who is most likely to purchase your goods or avail of the services.
  • If you are the owner of Furniture Company, your target audience would be house owners or tenants.
  • If you are seeking promotions for your toy store, then the target audience would be aunts, parents, grandparents, and uncles or the person who is most likely to buy the toys.

Why is email marketing content still relevant?

At the early age of the internet, everyone loved sending and receiving the Email. But now technology is at new heights of advancement. There is no fascination left in sending and receiving emails as it was in the past. However, email marketing content is still relevant due to various reasons.

It’s relevant – here’s 3 reasons why!

  • Emails are a good source of reaching customers frequently- people can easily access the email marketing content while staying within their comfort zone. Moreover, with email marketing content, you don’t need to be in the hassle of short memory space.
  • Email marketing content keeps you informed about trending brands – email marketing content keeps the customers up-to-date about the recent trends and brands in the market.
    Moreover, it keeps you well aware of the new styles or sales of your favorite clothing brands.
    Furthermore, it helps individuals in finding the job relevant to their field while staying under their house premises.
  • Email Marketing content is easily accessible and inexpensive– email marketing content is easy to access. The audience does not need to put much effort to access the content. They can easily view the content with a single tap. Furthermore, it is inexpensive, which makes it highly desirable even at the present time.

When to use email marketing content?

Timing is crucial in making your email marketing content work effectively.  Therefore, marketers should choose the time wisely to make email marketing function optimally.

  • Send email marketing content on weekends– people tend to be occupied with different chores during weekdays. Therefore send the content on the weekends. There is a higher probability of people reading your content on weekends than weekdays.
  • Choose daytime to use your content- we all are well aware that at night, people most probably sleep or are on rest mode. People keep themselves out of any reading or psychologically tiring tasks. Therefore, the best time to use your content is during day time. There is a higher probability of people attending your content at day time than night time.
  • Avoid Mondays to use your content- as the week starts with Monday and is often disliked by the majority of the people. Moreover, people may already be flooded by their office workload. Furthermore, they may have received many of the emails regarding their job on the weekend. They may delete all the emails as considering them unnecessary. So avoid Mondays correctly to use your content.

What language should be used in email marketing content?

Here are the few language tips you must keep in mind before writing influential email marketing content:

  • Use language understandable by your intended audience– Before starting writing email marketing content, you must know who your intended audience is. Make yourself clear that to whom you are writing the content either audience is educated, or uneducated. Moreover, you can check which language is easily understandable by your audience.
  • Use simple words– use simple and easily understandable language and choose appropriate words. Do not use abusive language. Do not complicate it for you and the reader as well.
  • Avoid abusive language or harsh words– Be wise while choosing your words and language. Clear yourself about your goal of writing content. Your goal must be to persuade the reader instead of degrading them. Therefore, avoid the grammar or words which abide your audience from getting the services you offer.
  • People during marketing usually use complicated or high-level language which may not fascinate the audience and which may result in loss of their interest. Instead of producing positive effects, marketer’s efficiency of high-level English may lead him to the negative consequences.


Email marketing content is viable and essential in helping you build long term relationships with your customers.

Produce high quality valuable articles or posts that speak to the reader in a language they resonate with.

Focus on the relationship but be mindful that a sale does need to occur, even if your call to action is just to book an appointment

The reason billions of emails are sent daily is because they work – just make your email marketing content good!

Email Marketing Costs For Those On A Budget

What does it cost for Email marketing?

Email marketing cost – it’s variable. Your distribution provider, content creation, type of email campaigns and the consistency of providing high quality information via email have to be taken into consideration to determine your costs


Industry sources (McKinnsey Research)  tell us that for every $1 spent on email marketing, a return of $44 is earned. Way better than social media especially Facebook!

Email marketing is indeed the best way for advertising and marketing the products or services which various businesses offer.

Email marketing is an excellent source of building trust and loyalty between customers and companies.

However, questions which arise in everyone’s mind are how much does it costs? And is it worth it? We will address all of your cost concerning queries in this section.

An email marketing cost varies depending on the type of business. The price also depends on various other factors, including:

  • The costs of the service providers
  • The amount of the fees invested
  • The amount of time spent during email marketing
  • Goals of the business
  • Size of the market
  • Number of subscribers

Email marketing cost considerations

  • Cost of self-managed campaigns-

    If a mid-size company is a self-managing the campaigns, they are likely to spend $9-$1,000 each month on email marketing.

  • Cost of agency-managed campaigns

    – If a mid-size business is working with an agency to manage the email marketing campaigns, then it will cost $500-$2500 each month to the company, including some content creation

Factors Impacting Email Marketing  Cost

When it comes to finding out the cost of email marketing, then there are various factors which contribute to its value.

  • Nature of the advertisement- to determine the prices of email marketing, it is necessary to consider that what the quality of the ad is.

    Whether you are going to market, sell out, or advertise a single product, two products, or multiple products.

    The various products will, of course, cost higher than only products.

  • The number of people you are going to send an email- This is an essential part in determining the price for email marketing.

    If you are going to send an email to a large population, then the cost will be higher as well.

  • The email design- If the email design is sophisticated and include a large number of designs and frames, then it will impact the email marketing pricing.

    The more complicated your email will be, the more it will require time for its coding, and hence the pricing will also be more excellent.

  • Quality of email list- excellent variety of current email list requires less work to implement email marketing.

    Less work costs a small amount of money for the email.

    But the list needs to be ‘live’. By that I mean not ‘dead’ or inactive. It’s difficult to sell to lists that don’t want to hear from you.

  • Authentic support behind marketing efforts- To be successful in your email marketing, you need to have a website which will support what you are claiming.

    Otherwise, your words will be a challenge only.

    You must have the supporting tools such as websites, social media, and other sources to aware your audience about the authenticity of what you are saying.

  • Current strategy that business offers- Does your business strategy best fits in with the email marketing efforts?

    If the business strategy, tools, software, and knowledge is following your email marketing efforts, then it will be cost effective.

Planning an email marketing strategy  

Planning is essential to make any project, advertisement, and marketing campaigns successful. The approach can lead to a beautifully designed persuading email.

– this An email without proper planning or strategy can end up creating a mess instead of being influential. Following questions must be kept in mind while planning the strategy:

  • Who will be your targeted population whom you are going to send these emails?
  • What is the purpose of sending emails?
  • How many times will you send emails?
  • What are your goals?

These questions must be discussed with the client to make planning effective.

Purpose of Email writing – this adds to your email marketing cost

Email marketing requires a person to write an email to the individual to serve various purposes.

  • Emails are sent to enhance the relationship of the organization with the customers.
  • Emails help to build the relationship of trust, honesty, and loyalty.
  • Emails are sent to acquire new customers.
  • Sending emails aims at persuading people to purchase your good or services
  • Sending emails is an excellent way of connecting with people within a short period
  • Sending email increases the sales conversation with customers
  • It helps in building a list which allows people to communicate with a lot of people instantly
  • Email writing is an effective way of getting feedback from customers immediately

Types of the emails – email marketing cost differs

There are various types of emails which provide a powerful and effective way to build a loyal relationship with the customers. In this section, we are going to mention a few of the types of emails.

  • Email Drip campaign- email drip campaign is an excellent way of building up a relationship with the customers.

    When you get new customers, what you need to do is to get full advantage of their enthusiasm and excitement.

    A drip campaign comprises of emails which are sent automatically on a schedule set. Drip campaign contains many different types, including shopping carts, new subscriber, educational, re-engagement, competitive, promotional, and training, and many others.

  • Broadcast Emails- broadcast emails mean to send your email to a large number of subscribers at the same time.

    This is the most useful type when you have to send a single email to a large number of people. That’s why these emails are also said to be the bulk or mass emails.

    The emails greatly benefit the used by strengthening the relationship with newsletters, boosting the sales, enhancing the promotions, and building up the relationship.

  • Daily emails- daily emails are the important emails sent on a regular basis to remind your customers about the sales that are expiring out very soon.

    Moreover, these emails are sent to help people get more familiar with you and your organization, and at some time, they may start to purchase your goods and services.

    These emails are sent to remind people about the ongoing promotions, job opportunities, sales, ending dates of sales, incentives that brands are giving, and many others. This is the great tactic used by the writers to persuade their customers.


As you have discovered an email marketing cost depends on many factors.

The aim of the email, the number of emails in a sequence, whether they form part of a campaign, occur daily or are simply one off broadcast emails.

All emails should improve the relationship between a seller and their customers; that’s paramount.

Email writing is an art. Hire the best. Don’t skimp. You only have one shot to make a good impression.

Think of email marketing cost as an investment into your business’ growth.

Email Marketing Headlines For Real Estate Buyers

Improve Your Email Open Rates with Eye-Catching Headlines

Email marketing headlines are even more important. It doesn’t matter how great the email is, even if it contains life changing information- without a good headline, it simply won’t be read.

And that would be a shame. Let’s see how we can improve on that.

If you are browsing through a magazine, what makes you turn to a particular article? The design team has put hours of work into how it looks, and the writers have crafted the content to make it sell. But what makes the article initially appeal to a reader?

The headline.

 Tips to Creating a Great Email Marketing Headlines

There are plenty of tips and tricks for writing an email headline that we will get to in a moment, but how the headline is written is just as important.

Writing a short headline means your customers will be able to see the whole thing in their email subject line. Under 50 characters is a good place to start, and will increase your open rates.

Avoid using caps lock for all those characters – using a few capital letters infrequently will draw attention, but you can have too much of a good thing.

Short, descriptive email marketing headlines get good results, especially for notification emails.

Extra points if you can make your headline appealing – try writing tactics like alliteration and good use of punctuation to make your headline stand out.

However, be aware that using both an exclamation mark and a question mark in the same headline can trigger some spam filters, so try not to use both.

More than two out of three millennials said that promotional emails influenced their decision to make purchases. What? Really? YES!

Email marketing has a higher return on investment than any other comparable advertising option, so it’s worth doing right.

Here are some ways to create a catchy, clickable headline and make sure your excellent marketing emails don’t go to waste.

The Personal Touch

Customers are more likely to click on an email that is specific to them. In fact, 55% of consumers prefer to open messages that contain relevant, personalised content.

It’s not enough just to include someone’s first name on the subject line.  No, no. It’s more, much more.

Unfortunately, many spam emails use this approach, so this tactic has lost its impact. However, there are many other details about your client that you collect when they browse your store, or sign up for a rewards program.

Birthdays are a great example – an email sent wishing the customer a happy birthday is much more likely to be opened, especially if it contains a freebie or discount to help them celebrate.

But you can also think outside the box. If you know that there has been bad weather in your customers’ location, your email heading might reflect this,

“Don’t let the weather get you down! 25% off winter clothing”

Think about the information you have that could be used to target your customers personally. You might know their:

  • names
  • location
  • transaction history
  • gender
  • birthday

All these details can be used to make an email marketing headline that makes customers feel valued and more likely to click.

Create Curiosity

Curious customers are more likely to click. If your email heading makes them wonder what’s inside, you have achieved your purpose.

You can create curiosity by withholding some information in your subject line. Your email heading might say,

“7 Beauty Tricks You Missed This Summer”


“Are You Using This Top Selling Brand?

Customers want to find out what it is they don’t know. Curiosity drives them to read on, which can be converted into click-through’s and therefore sales.

Sexy emails are also known to raise curiosity…..and more.

A Sense of Urgency

Urgency makes people less cautious, and more likely to jump into a sale. It also helps you get your emails opened – subject lines that encourage readers to act quickly are opened at a rate 22% higher than other emails.

You can create urgency by suggesting that the number of items or the time remaining to buy them is limited. But it will still have to be creative – short messages like “HURRY LIMITED TIME ONLY!!!” can often be disregarded as spam.

Personal headlines that are crafted to show you are concerned they might miss out on a deal should have good results.

“Don’t miss out! Our 50% off sale ends Thursday”

“Only 30 tickets left – have you got yours?”

Email Marketing Headlines That Scream Freebies

Everyone loves a freebie, and the promise of free goods is enough to convince most people to open an email.

There is an incorrect theory that using the work “free” in a subject line can cause an email’s junk filter to mark it as spam.

In fact, the evidence doesn’t support that theory. While you want to make your giveaway stand out, avoid spam-sounding phrases.

Remember, birthdays are a great opportunity to personalise your emails and to offer your giveaway promotion all in one. Customers feel cared for and more likely to visit your website to see what you have to offer.

 Evidence Removes Doubt

Called “social proof of concept”, the idea is that a concept seems more appealing if a large number of people are already involved and have “proven” its worth.

For example, a headline might show the large number of subscribers the page already has:

“Subscribe to our newsletter! Over 15,000 members can’t be wrong”

If a large number of people are subscribed, that shows the email recipient that the contents are likely to be worth a look.

A similar strategy uses public figures to make the subject more appealing – a makeup item used by a famous celebrity is more likely to be seen as desirable by a potential customer.

Re-Target Customers

If a customer has visited your store but left without purchasing an item, they could be a good candidate for an email with a re-targeting headline.

There are many reasons that customers may leave items in the cart without finishing the checkout process. Your customers might have been:

  • Put off by the cost of shipping
  • Making a “wish list”
  • Checking how much the total would be
  • Waiting for a discount
  • Not wanting to create an account
  • Concerned about the security of their information

If the product was in their cart, they were at least tempted to make the purchase. Your email marketing headline should capitalise on that and encourage them to make the final step.

You’ve left something behind! Get free shipping now.”

“Finish checking out for a 15% discount – today only”

Email Marketing Headlines For All Occasions

An event creates a sense of occasion and urgency, which encourages people to spend money. There are plenty of holidays and reasons you might have a sale, but you don’t have to wait for a physical event.

Create online promotional events that link to your brand – which could go along with some special offers – and include the most important information in your email headline.

Ask A Question

Questions not only make a headline seem more personal, they invite a response from the reader.

By hinting that a response is desired, you are encouraging action from your customer – starting with them opening the email, and hopefully ending in a sale.

Try headlines that make readers feel like your email needs an answer:

“Is your handbag on trend?”

“Are you coming to Sydney’s biggest party?”


While it is important to create an email that is worth opening, ultimately the most important thing is that the customer opens it in the first place.

There are many types of email marketing headlines that can encourage customers to open your email, and only a few are mentioned here.

For each email, try a few out before you hit send – popular wisdom suggests you write ten headings for each email, and then choose the best one. It might seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it.

Email marketing gets your business right into the hands and homes of your customers, and allows you to personalise and target your ads like never before. Make the most of this inexpensive and highly effective resource by doing your best to ensure that your emails are the ones that are interesting and appealing, and that your customers actually read.

Can Email Marketing Make Me Real Estate Sales?

Email marketing can make you sales if you have built a relationship with your list, provided valuable engaging content and sent emails with enticing headlines, and a  seductive call to action.

Any advertising campaign takes effort and investment, so of course you want to know if it is going to be profitable and worth your time.

It’s easy to see how an excellent email marketing campaign could raise awareness of your business, but the real question from someone who is considering an investment in this form of marketing is – will email marketing make me any sales?

Email marketing has one of the highest return on investment, and accounts for approximately 23% of sales. That makes it one of the most effective marketing methods, which – when executed correctly – will absolutely result in increased sales.

Here are some reasons why your company needs email marketing to help you make sales:

 People Don’t Spend as Much Time on Your Website as You Think They Do

While a good website is absolutely imperative to support sales, the truth is that most people do not spend a great deal of time browsing a website.

That doesn’t mean that your website isn’t important – it is. You still need to have all that information ready and accessible if a customer goes looking.

But instead of waiting for customers to visit the website and simply hoping they notice the features you have introduced, there’s a way to invite customers directly so that they are able to visit the areas of your website that are designed to support sales.

Of course, that method is through email marketing.

A customer could be a loyal follower of your brand, but without an email informing them that you have new stock or that you’re having a sale, it’s absolutely hit and miss whether they find out in time to make a purchase.

The same goes for new locations that your business might open up, or services your business offers that your customers might not know about.

You can also include things like customer reviews – of course, you probably have a testimonial section on your website, but instead of waiting for customers to get there on their own you can send them through directly through a link in an email.

If you have spent the time to create a great website, make the most of it with a great email marketing campaign.

Your Social Media Campaign is Probably Missing Most Customers

Once again, social media is an extremely important marketing tool. Many customers will turn to a Facebook page for reviews, or ask for customer support through Twitter. It’s an easy way to connect with customers, and you could get some free publicity if your content is shared.

However, there is a catch.

Social media sites are increasingly making it difficult for small businesses to reach their customers. The algorithm change introduced in 2018 was supposed to help keep the news feeds of Facebook subscribers limited only to the kinds of posts they prefer to see.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t gone well for businesses. Even if a customer genuinely wants to see posts relating to that business, they are unlikely to have them come up on their feed.

One company found that less than 2% of their customers saw their posts, and their customer engagement dropped off by 58%.

Without paid advertisement (which can be extremely expensive), there is no guarantee that customers will see your business’s posts – in fact, it’s almost guaranteed that your posts will not be seen by the majority of your Facebook followers.

That’s where email marketing can help.

By reminding customers of the social media presence of a business, emails help support social media pages.

An easy way to link to Instagram included in an email, for example, will greatly increase the chances that a customer will click through and follow your page instead of having to go and find it themselves.

Sending an email about a promotional code going out to followers of one of your social media accounts could be another way to directly link customers to your social media campaigns.

This additional backup supports the effort that you are putting into other marketing channels, helps customers feel more connected, and helps to drive sales.

There’s No Point Having a Sale If No One Comes

Sales, events and promotions are great ways to get customers to spend money. It makes your business look good, customers feel like they are getting a good deal and it could even help you to clear some slow-moving stock.

But how useful is a sale if your customers don’t know about it?

Of course, there are plenty of other advertising channels that might generate some sales leads.

The genius of email marketing, though, is that if you have their email address it’s because at some time the customer has expressed an interest in your company.

These people are already interested. If you’re offering discounts, they are likely to become even more interested.

Most other types of marketing either cast a wide net, hoping to catch someone who might potentially buy something, or they attempt to let relevant people know but run the risk of being filtered out through algorithms.

There are other advertising options that offer targeted ads, but they can be extremely pricey – and are quite likely to be ignored anyway.

An email puts your business directly into the hands of people who are likely to be interested in what you have to say. Whether they click through or not, every email’s subject line reminds them about your business.

Then, when you offer something special that might entice them, you are much more likely to see that marketing option converted to sales. 

Emails Can Directly Encourage Sales

If customers are browsing your site or put items into their cart but don’t purchase anything, how do you follow up on their obvious interest in order to convince them to buy?

Email marketing gives your business the power of direct contact with that person. Of course, the customer may choose not to open the email, but at least your business has had the opportunity to follow up on their interest in order to potentially convert it into sales.

There are a number of techniques that can encourage the customer to open that email – you might offer a discount if they finish the check-out process, or offer free shipping.

But even without added incentives, email marketing can put desirable items back in front of the customer. They decided not to complete the purchase initially, but they may not make the same decision if they get another opportunity.

Getting Personal

Email marketing can generate sales. It is a powerful tool on its own, but it can also be used to support other essential forms of marketing.

While sending an email is very low cost, it can be a powerful tool, targeting customers who are already interested enough to give you their details and who can therefore potentially be persuaded to spend money with your business.

Email marketing gives customers an easy, visually pleasing way to connect with your business, and it lands right in their inbox wherever they are at the time. It provides links that are much easier for a customer to follow then if they had to search and get there on their own.

And it can be personalized, so that customers get the maximum benefit and companies have the maximum impact.

Email marketing is inexpensive and you are bound to increase your sales. All you have to worry about is having something great to put in front of your customers.

6 Real Estate Email Marketing Tactics That Are Off The Chart

Email marketing is alive and well in 2020. With 260 billion emails opened every day, it’s not disappearing soon.

But in a world where attention is king, many real estate agents have opted out of email marketing for the more trendy social media marketing.


The biggest mistake is with ownership. You don’t own the lists on your favourite social media platform and that is costly. Get shut down by Facebook and your ‘25,768 followers’ are gone.

But email is totally different. You own your lists!

The other big mistake agents make with email is that they are boring and don’t know how to engage with prospects. With lousy open rates and pathetic engagement it’s no wonder why real estate agents have moved away from email marketing.

But they shouldn’t. So let’s fix that.

According to Emma here’s how we should start:

1. Real  estate email marketing strategies – start with an actionable welcome

Let’s start with the first, and most important, email—the welcome email.

A welcome email is a great way to introduce both cold and warm leads to your services. Your customer may have opted in at an open house or your website, or they may be someone you’ve gotten through a referral.

You could also send a welcome email after your first contact with your prospects. This could be after the first day of house-hunting or following an initial consultation about selling their home.

At any rate, a welcome email will thank subscribers for opting-in and give them two critical pieces of information:

  • What kinds of emails to expect from you in the future
  • Why you’re the best agent to help them buy or sell their home.

Competition is fierce among realtors, so this is your way of getting the jump on the competition and positioning your brand for success.

No matter how you design your welcome email, make sure it’s clear and actionable.

That means there should be a prominent call-to-action (CTA) to schedule a phone call or meeting, connect on social media, or even a request to be “white-listed” so that your emails don’t end up in the spam folder.

And our friends at Stepps agree:

Strong Email Subject Lines

Strong subject lines are the secret sauce of email marketing. It’s the first thing people see when they open their inbox—a first impression of your content.

A recent Sendpulse survey revealed that roughly 62% of subscribers read emails when the subject line is interesting. If your content is compelling enough, consumers won’t care too much about how often you send them emails.

That said, anything too vague will immediately get sent to spam or be deleted by the email user. Same goes for anything too direct (like an obvious sales pitch) or something that implies that the mailing is part of a big email blast.

A strong subject line can capture the reader’s attention immediately, but not give anything away in the process.

Sacha Ferrandi of Source Capital Funding gives a good example of this:

  • Bad – “Learn About an Amazing Property (Address) In the Centennial Park Area”
  • Good – “Updated Information Regarding Your Neighborhood Property Values”

Notice how the second option entices the audience to read more? The “Bad” option gives everything away immediately and users don’t need to look any further to know what this is about.

Best Practices for Email Subject Lines

  • Short and Sweet:  Campaign Monitor found that email subject lines containing just 65 characters have hit the email sweet spot and that most email subject lines have 41-50 characters (which is about 5-9 average-length words).
  • Personalize it:  Experian Marketing Services found that personalized subject lines—think names, neighbourhoods, listings—result in a 26% higher open rate.
  • Take note of the pre-header text—also known as the first 40 characters of the email. Make use of this section to expand on the email subject, and ensure you’ve strung together the characters that drive clicks.
  • Do A/B Testing: Test out different lengths, different sentence structures, lines that use numbers or statistics versus ones that don’t. Don’t forget to test how the subject line length reads across different devices, too. Most email service providers offer a function that allows you to preview how your email will read on iPhone, laptops, etc.

Getresponse has a feature that shows you the effectiveness of your subject line and it also has an A/B testing feature. If you haven’t yet picked an email service provider (ESP) to use for your real estate email marketing, it’s a great option for beginners.

Interesting content keeps readers…………interested according to Emma

2. Add value with a newsletter full of relevant, interesting content.

Your prospects want to know that you’re an expert in the local market. There’s no better way to convey your expertise than in an email newsletter packed full of relevant, helpful information.

Not only do newsletters feature your own realty services, but they also keep you at the forefront of the prospects’ minds while they’re deciding how to proceed.

Newsletters can also keep you connected with former clients—especially the ones that might refer you to their friends.

Provide interesting, relevant content like the articles and tips found in newsletters, can be incredibly effective for your real estate business. Your newsletters should be short, skimmable documents with content that’s engaging and shareable.

Here’s a sample of one that also includes a video and visual graphics for those that want to skim for important information.

Image: BestPalosVerdesHomes

Be careful with your newsletters, though. Don’t ever send one without the permission or expectation of your prospect.

Sending newsletters to a brand-new lead can impact your chance of conversion. Here are some of the things you can include in your newsletter to educate and entertain:

  • Recent or upcoming events
  • Focus on local restaurants or businesses
  • New homes listed or sold
  • Open houses
  • Mortgage news/advice

Here’s an example of a variety of newsletter topics sent out by an agent:

Image: BestPalosVerdesHomes

Finally, your email newsletter is a marketing device, so it’s okay to softly sell your services through those homes bought/sold announcements or through invites to open houses.

Just don’t make it the focus of your newsletter.

Real estate email marketing strategies must be engaging.

Brandon Stewart backs up Emma’s strategy.

By consistently sharing engaging newsletters, Brandon has built a growing, loyal community.

What started as a list of about 300 people has grown to over 3,000 subscribers. And with open rates reaching double the industry average, it’s clear Brandon is offering his subscribers something of value, while also allowing them to get to know, like, and trust him.

“Through my newsletters I’m able to bring something completely different to the real estate market,” he explains. “Most realtors only focus on sales numbers and how prices have decreased on increased throughout the year. I’m able to bring content with significance beyond just the numbers.”

3.A Clear and Concise Call to Action

Most agents send emails to convince the reader to take some sort of action. The agent is responsible for making sure the reader knows what they are supposed to do, so tell recipients what action to take on a given email and be specific about how they should use the information.

For example, ask them to request a comparative market analysis NOW or just to visit, like, or comment on your social media sites. When creating your calls to action, or CTAs, use action verbs. For example, “download your free e-book now” is more compelling than a button that just says “e-book.”

Make sure it is obvious as to what you want them to do: capture their attention with bold links, brightly coloured buttons, or even arrows to help direct their eyes to your CTA.

Be honest. There’s enough clickbait circulating the web as it is. If your CTA is just clickbait, it may appear disingenuous and turn them off. It pays to be honest. (thanks Stepps team)

4. Captivate interested sellers with emails.

Sellers want to know what their home is worth and whether or not you’re the right person to trust with its sale.

Answering both questions is important, so keep in touch with them via email to prompt them to action.

Your end goal is to meet your client in person to discuss their needs in-depth, so all emails should prompt a CTA to a meeting, or at least a phone call.

This is critical since 70% of home sellers interview just one agent before signing a contract, and only 4% of them get in touch with that agent through a website. Here’s a simple email that can get the job done:

Image: The Close

Standing out from the crowd and forming that relationship is predicated on a face-to-face meeting, so offer a comparative market analysis of their home after an in-home assessment.

Here’s another example of how to engage a reluctant seller:

Image: The Close

One of the best real estate marketing ideas is what this agent has done at the bottom of the email, including a CTA that offers a free guide that helps clients get more money for their homes.

The added caution here is not to overdo the listing email strategy too much UNLESS the reader is an active buyer or seller (Emma)

5. Bringing Back The Dead – Special care for former clients to promote lead generation

Referrals are the mainstay of a real estate agent’s business. The NAR states that 40% of buyers and 38% of home sellers choose realtors that have been referred to them by a neighbor, friend, or relative.

You need to plan carefully when marketing to former customers. They probably know all they need to know about the current real estate market, so include newsletters that focus on home and garden tips or local events instead.

Another approach is to forego newsletters and send personalized emails that are less frequent.

You can use the anniversary of their move to touch base with them or send holiday greetings to keep your name in the forefront of their minds. Personal greetings also let them know you value your relationship with them.

Here’s an email invite to a holiday party—a great way to get up close and personal with former clients:

Image: Keller Williams Beach Cities

If you’re an independent agent, don’t worry—you don’t have to throw a party to maintain relationships. Sending a card is just fine. The goal is to stay in touch and build trust.

Bringing back the dead is a difficult task but one that should be part of real estate agent email marketing strategies.

6. Maintain the connection using automation 

You should put an automated email system in place to send transactional emails that are triggered by customer behavior.

If a prospect opts-in to your email newsletter, requests information online, or takes some other action on your website, send them an email.

Make it personal, because personalization is the key to more conversions and can increase the ROI of your email marketing campaign.


We’ve looked at a number of real estate marketing ideas that will boost your profile among your competitors and help you stand out in a crowded industry.

Supplying your customers with unique, relevant content and staying in touch with them every step of their buying or selling journey is critical for converting leads into clients.

And in real estate, keeping former clients connected and feeling valued is essential for earning the high volumes of referrals that are necessary for real estate success.

Email is definitely not dead and should be a major part of any real estate agents approach of keeping in contact with prospective buyers and sellers. Industry experts Emma and Stepps agree.

Email Marketing Protocol For Beginners: The Do’s And Don’ts List

A Beginner’s List For Email Marketing: The Do’s And Don’ts

Email marketing do’s and don’ts list will show the email marketer what’s required to achieve the best outcome. We need to be very careful about the content, style, and design of the emails before pressing the send button.

When it comes to marketing campaigns, email marketing is considered as one of the best options. It can enhance sales and customer relationships.

But if done poorly, it can inhibit the sale of your products and can lead to an enormous mess.

In this section, we are going to tell you about some of the best and worst practices that you should follow or avoid respectively to bring the best out of your emails.

Email marketing do’s

  1. Build up the Subscriber list

The first and foremost thing you should do is to continue building up the list of subscribers.

Even if you already have a long list, continue to add subscribers to it.

Include a signup feature on the home page of your website, blog page, or wherever you can fit it by giving away some free valuable information, checklist or software in exchange for a subscribers email address.

  1. Add an attractive subject line.

Whenever you are about to send an email, always add an irresistible subject line. Add words in the subject line, which make the viewer compelled to open up the email. This will help in encouraging readers to respond to your emails.

  1. Know the needs and interests of the intended reader

Check the demographics of readers to match your emails with their interests and desires. This will increase the chances that reader will respond to your offer or will suggest it to others.

  1. Create effective content

Make sure to produce high-quality material within the emails. It may take time, but it will be of more significant benefit. Once the content is written, reread it to make it free from any mistakes.

  1. Keep your message clear

Focus on making your emails clear and readable. Don’t write too long paragraphs as people may don’t read the whole message then.

Always make key points which demonstrate your message; this will save the time of the recipients and will convey your message as well.

Keep in mind that many emails today are read on mobile devices, so they need to be eye catching and not too long.

  1. Make your email colourful – images do attract

To make your email appealing, add colors and images. Colours always attract readers instead of only black and white emails. Make your email bright, this will increase the likelihood of your email to be read.

  1. Make your email free of mistakes

Make your emails look professional. Make them short and punchy, so that email can be eye-catching for the reader. Use sub-headings to grab a readers attention.

Make your email free of any spelling or grammatical mistakes, to maintain professionalism.

Before sending your email, proofread it at least once to make it free of any error.

Moreover, avoid including attachments as it can slow the download speed and some service providers can view the email as spam and immediately  send your well worded piece to the junk box is the indication of you being the scammer.

Always choose professional and decent words to use in your emails. And there is a big ‘NO’ to any abusive language. Be selective for choosing words for the email.

  1. Use simple and understandable language

It is the crucial point in producing useful emails. Use natural and understandable language.

Usage of high language or beyond the caliber of your audience can result in misunderstanding of the content.

Use the words which are understandable by the layman. Speak their language.

  1. Produce mobile-friendly emails

As this is, the era of phone and people are inclined towards the mobile phone devices. Whenever you wake up early in the morning, the mobile phone is what you check first.

To increase the likelihood of your email to be viewed, produce the emails which are mobile friendly. Optimize your emails to be easily seen from the mobile.

Email Marketing Don’ts

  1. Sending emails which violate spam laws

Don’t send emails with deceptive content. Numerous restrictions apply to email marketing.

A compliance guide was outlined by the Federal Trade Commission to avoid spam emails. The spam emails encompass the usage of misleading or false information or deceiving the recipients.

  1. Sending emails without double checking

Don’t send emails without proofreading. Usually, the emails contain the inevitable mistakes.

Don’t post emails without proofreading.

Do proofread at least once to avoid all the grammatical and language errors.

Moreover, you may also need to check double whether the design or color scheme you are using is correct or not.

  1. Writing the too long subject line

Don’t write long subject lines. Attractive headlines are always short and specific.

While sending long and generalized subject lines can lead to discouragement. There is a higher probability of recipients not reading emails with over hyped and boring subject lines.

  1. Unsubscribe option

Preventing people from unsubscribing is the indication that your services or products are a scam. Moreover, not allowing people to unsubscribe is unlawful. Don’t disallow people from unsubscribing.

  1. Sending too much (or too little) messages

Don’t send too small or too many messages.

Sending one or two messages and then don’t trying is not a good approach, but on the other hand, carrying a lot of messages can also be frustrating.

Researchers have shown that 80% of deals need five touch points to be successful. Not sending follow-up emails indicates will reduce your chances to succeed.

69% of the time, recipients unsubscribe if they receive a lot of emails from you. Sending 4-5 follow-up emails will be okay, but beyond this can lead to adverse results.

  1. Email focusing on the product

Don’t focus your email solely on to the product instead serve your customers. Serving customers means understanding their desires and needs. Build relationships.

  1. Buying email lists

Don’t buy email lists as they will negatively impact your marketing campaign.

Moreover, the lists which you buy are not the quality lists.

The lists are cold and you have no connection to it. The customer does not know who you are and will be less likely to buy

8. Don’t hire cheap freelance writers

Put simply, you get what you pay for. Cheap services are riddled with bad English, grammar and spelling mistakes. Hire on value.

27 Email Open Rate Tips To Get Your Emails Opened Faster

 Email Open Rate: How To Get Your Emails Opened All The Time

A good email open rate are vital for your business if it relies on sales. Having your customers read an email and act upon it can improve dramatically if you adopt these 27 hacks that are evergreen in 2019.

Email still offers the best opportunity to create sales way beyond social media. But there are some key important ingredients to boost your email open rates, especially in 2019.

Let’s check out these ‘insider hacks’ now.

  1. Let’s get personal

    We all love hearing our name being called or seeing it in print. It screams “I am important” and we all love the recognition.

    Include the recipient’s name in the subject line.

    My email supplier GetResponse reported a 42% increase in email open rates just by putting somebody’s name in the subject line.

    I’m all in “George, Tom, Sally, Bianca.

  2. Go short with your subject line

    It’s a fast world. We are a growing bunch of scanners.

    We often view our emails off mobile devices. So it’s important that our subject lines are short and catch our readers attention.

    Around 50-65 characters is ideal. Use this email open rate tip for maximum benefit.

  3. Drop the money, free and get rich words from your subject line

    Spam filters love these types of words and will gobble your email up in a flash.

    And that means your recipient won’t see your email. All of the great message you crafted will be wasted to the junk box. Avoid like the plague!

  4. Open with enticement

    You know the few lines of blurb you see when you start reading an email.

    How do you rank – boring or enticing.

    Make sure you come out of the blocks with some eye grabbing copy that makes your reader craving to read the rest.

    Too many businesses adopt the ‘serious business tone’, use robot like speak and come across as stiff.

    Emails need to be conversational. You can be professional be using your own personalty and not come off as a corporate bore. Loosen the tie and let your personal voice flow.

  5. Readers love numbers

    25 email marketing hacks screams value.

    Readers think there is value in the piece and will open your email.

    Getting 25 email open rate tips for FREE ids hot; right

  6. The world is not always positive – keep it real

    I don’t know about you but my life isn’t always rosy.

    Like everybody I have my up and down days. So get real when you email your customers.

    A bit of negativity is ok but don’t over do it.

    “The world is ending today unless you…..” Cheesy but you’d want to know the answer wouldn’t you if you could save the world. How about:

    “3 foods that’ll keep you fat”. Now I would definitely read that one

  7. What would a friend say

    This flows on from an earlier point but it’s important to remind you again.

    When you speak to a mate, how do you talk.

    Casual, friendly – right. Do the same in your emails.

  8. Divorce can be brutal, so can breaking up with a subscriber

    The size of an email list can be deceptive. Big looks impressive.

    But what if a large percentage of your list is ‘dead or non-responsive’. Worse still they never buy a thing from you.

    It’s time to get brutal. Yep it’s time to clean up your subscriber list, cull the dead wood and only focus your well crafted emails on those you have a responsive relationship with.

    Yes relationships are a two way street. If you love the content so far please don’t forget to leave a comment at the end. Thank you in advance

  9. Hubspot reckons emails without subject lines can also work.

    According to gang at HS they have stats showing email open rates going up by 8% in some cases.

    Give it a try. Experiment. See what works best for you. Personally I’m a ‘with subject line kind of guy’ – that’s my email open rate tip.

  10. Smiley faces get readers……..smiling

    Emojis can brighten up your email copy especially if you throw in a few smiles.

    Worth considering………..

  11. Drop the ALL CAPITALS headline

    Come on bro, there’s no need to shout.

    In the pre 2019 era capitals were all the rage.

    But this year’s customer friendly hack is to go lower case just lie how we would speak to somebody.

    “I just wanted to let you know Joan that I love you”

    Better to whisper than upset Joan’s spouse and besides I may be thanking her for her recent purchase and not offering a marriage proposal.

  12.  Everybody loves to laugh even stiff professionals

    It may not be your style but give it a go.

    Humorous posts create good vibes and will generally be better remembered by your reader.

    Marty Wilson Australia’s leading comic presenter says that comedy in talks and posts improves the message you are trying to deliver.

  13. Building trust by asking for help

    Everybody loves to help somebody. It’s human nature. It makes the both the giver and recipient feel good.

    And it builds trust between people.

    So why not try “Can I ask you a favour?” or “Can you help me?”

  14. Start your subject line with a verb

    Crikey I just did. Did you notice? Yep START is a verb.

    Join, receive, hurry, discover, save are all great action verbs to start an email

    Do it today………..( hmmm I’m starting to get a bit addicted to this stuff – next strategy….)

  15. Emails that form part of a series – let people know

    Firstly it lets the reader know to expect more emails in their inbox shortly.

    It indicates that a topic can not be delivered in just one email; so it must be important.

    Real estate agent Tom Perry successfully uses this strategy for his auction bidding email campaign to potential buyers. “This is the first email in our 5 part series on how to successfully bid at an auction”. He finds his clients turn up educated and prepared to bid which leads to a successful sale for the seller. It’s a WIN:WIN.

  16. New is ….ummmm….errrr….new

    New things attract our eye. New car, new shoes, new watch.

    But it’s also a great way to let your readers know that you have something new for them, even when it’s not so obvious.

    Use it in a headline “14 New Ways To Date The Girl Of Your Dreams”

    You can also throw up a Facebook post or Youtube video and let people know you’ve got something new out today

    ” New Post: 5 Groundbreaking Strategies To Make You A Million Dollar Agent”

    “New Video Out Today: Why I Fired My Best Salesperson And Doubled My Business”

  17. We love figures – throw in a stat

    Subject lines that have a statistic in them get opened 27% more than non stat headlines according to LinkChump. People believe numbers; it’s that simple.

    Numbers build trust

    “73% of all primary school kids smoke before they enter high school”

    If you’re a Mum of an eleven year old you’d want to read that article, wouldn’t you?

  18. Psst want to know a secret – we love secrets, don’t we?

    What happens when somebody says to us “Want to hear a secret?” Our ears immediately prick up.The word secret written in a subject line  fires up our curiosity to click on the title because we just have to know.

    “The secret lies your real estate agent is keeping from you. Don’t get caught out – read this immediately AND share to your friends”

    “The secret tactic I used to getting 23,869 Facebook followers last month”

  19. Be a name dropper – don’t we all at some time

    We’re all a bit curious about celebrities even beyond musicians and film stars.

    Celebrities in our own industry create a vibe and if you can drop their name into your article, especially into the subject line, then you will capture the interest of more readers.

    “5 things Gary Vaynerchuk told me over lunch”

    You could write a quote style article using a famous influencer to give more credibility. Evan Carmichael does this very well in his hit video series on YouTube “10 success tips from Tony Robbins/Tim Ferris/Eon Musk”

  20. You don’t need to giveaway the farm but a nice prize gets attention

    Everybody loves the chance to win a prize. It doesn’t have to be a hugely expensive prize either.

    Add free entry and boom watch your readership explode

    “Subscribe to my newsletters and go into the draw to win a $100 Visa voucher)

  21. Short, one word subject lines win

    Take a look at your inbox (just not right now though…lol).

    Is it a cluttered mess. Are all the subject lines blending in to create one big blurred vision of mess?

    Any subject lines standing out in this kaos? I bet it’s the one word heading.

    How are you today Greg
    14 lead magnets that are cool right now 
    Tools to run your six figure business
    This might be the last email you get from me
    We are adding a two step verification
    Enter our raffle prize draw

  22. Readers love ‘how-to’ emails and posts

    Knowing how to do something is a yearning for most people. We want to improve and by learning a new skill, we feel enriched.

    The title immediately conveys that we will be taught something. Value is about to be added to our lives. And we love that.

    “How to grow strawberries all year round”

    “How to master Facebook ads even if you’re just getting started”

    This is one of the most email open rate tips used.

  23. Don’t buy email subscriber leads

    You’ll just waste your money.

    Email marketing is about building relationships. If you have no relationship with your subscriber, you’ll be able to sell them your product or service.

    Besides this practice being blatant spam, your new ‘10,000 email subscribers for $19.99″ never asked to be placed onto your list and most likely don’t want to be there.

    Cold leads will leave you cold….and broke…..and frustrated…. and in trouble. You’ll get shut down. DON’T DO IT!

  24. Be relevant – send an email that’s wanted

    One message doesn’t fit all. Readers wanting to buy a house need different information to those who have already done so.

    Therefore you need to segment your lists and provide customized information relevant to each list.

    If you don’t you’ll see a decline in your list size. And that’s not good.

  25. Invest log term

    Readers want to know that you are with them for the long haul.

    They need to know that you are not a ‘one-email-wonder’. Commit to provide regular regular email updates to your readers and add value to their lives

  26. Video is hot in 2019

    Mix up your emails by throwing in a video. Announce it in your subject line to spark interest.

    The great thing with video is that you can transcribe the content using a service like and use that to provide written content for your email or post

  27. Let the latest news to make your subject lines topical

    This is a great 2019 hack to actually drive eyeballs to your content.

    “What the Louisiana floods taught me about humanity”
    “Donald Trump’s meeting with Democrat Nancy: Negotiating skills I need to learn”


If you want more people to read your emails, improve your copywriting.

Your email open rates will boom if you try the above hacks.

What’s hot in 2019 is consistently what’s been hot throughout time. That is, quality always reigns supreme.

Be mindful of who you are writing for. Toss in a bit of curiosity, the occasional bit of humour, stir things up with some negativity and try the  numbered list format – any of these will bring you a ton of readers AND they’ll be rushing back for more.

Social media continues to be an influencer with email subject lines but video is the dominant hack for 2019. It’s given rise to the hybrid post – and in a fast paced world fast consumption of content is king.

What’s your favourite email open rate hack? Which one will you adopt? Let me know with a comment below.

Email Marketing Headlines That Hit The Target

Improve Your Email Open Rates with Eye-Catching Headlines


Email marketing headlines are even more important. It doesn’t matter how great the email is, even if it contains life changing information- without a good headline, it simply won’t be read.

And that would be a shame. Let’s see how we can improve on that.

If you are browsing through a magazine, what makes you turn to a particular article? The design team has put hours of work into how it looks, and the writers have crafted the content to make it sell. But what makes the article initially appeal to a reader?

The headline.

 Tips to Creating a Great Email Marketing Headlines

There are plenty of tips and tricks for writing an email headline that we will get to in a moment, but how the headline is written is just as important.

Writing a short headline means your customers will be able to see the whole thing in their email subject line. Under 50 characters is a good place to start, and will increase your open rates.

Avoid using caps lock for all those characters – using a few capital letters infrequently will draw attention, but you can have too much of a good thing.

Short, descriptive email marketing headlines get good results, especially for notification emails.

Extra points if you can make your headline appealing – try writing tactics like alliteration and good use of punctuation to make your headline stand out.

However, be aware that using both an exclamation mark and a question mark in the same headline can trigger some spam filters, so try not to use both.

More than two out of three millennials said that promotional emails influenced their decision to make purchases. What? Really? YES!

Email marketing has a higher return on investment than any other comparable advertising option, so it’s worth doing right.

Here are some ways to create a catchy, clickable headline and make sure your excellent marketing emails don’t go to waste.

The Personal Touch

Customers are more likely to click on an email that is specific to them. In fact, 55% of consumers prefer to open messages that contain relevant, personalised content.

It’s not enough just to include someone’s first name on the subject line.  No, no. It’s more, much more.

Unfortunately, many spam emails use this approach, so this tactic has lost its impact. However, there are many other details about your client that you collect when they browse your store, or sign up for a rewards program.

Birthdays are a great example – an email sent wishing the customer a happy birthday is much more likely to be opened, especially if it contains a freebie or discount to help them celebrate.

But you can also think outside the box. If you know that there has been bad weather in your customers’ location, your email heading might reflect this,

“Don’t let the weather get you down! 25% off winter clothing”

Think about the information you have that could be used to target your customers personally. You might know their:

  • names
  • location
  • transaction history
  • gender
  • birthday

All these details can be used to make an email marketing headline that makes customers feel valued and more likely to click.

Create Curiosity

Curious customers are more likely to click. If your email heading makes them wonder what’s inside, you have achieved your purpose.

You can create curiosity by withholding some information in your subject line. Your email heading might say,

“7 Beauty Tricks You Missed This Summer”


“Are You Using This Top Selling Brand?

Customers want to find out what it is they don’t know. Curiosity drives them to read on, which can be converted into click-through’s and therefore sales.

Sexy emails are also known to raise curiosity…..and more.

A Sense of Urgency

Urgency makes people less cautious, and more likely to jump into a sale. It also helps you get your emails opened – subject lines that encourage readers to act quickly are opened at a rate 22% higher than other emails.

You can create urgency by suggesting that the number of items or the time remaining to buy them is limited. But it will still have to be creative – short messages like “HURRY LIMITED TIME ONLY!!!” can often be disregarded as spam.

Personal headlines that are crafted to show you are concerned they might miss out on a deal should have good results.

“Don’t miss out! Our 50% off sale ends Thursday”

“Only 30 tickets left – have you got yours?”

Email Marketing Headlines That Scream Freebies

Everyone loves a freebie, and the promise of free goods is enough to convince most people to open an email.

There is an incorrect theory that using the work “free” in a subject line can cause an email’s junk filter to mark it as spam.

In fact, the evidence doesn’t support that theory. While you want to make your giveaway stand out, avoid spam-sounding phrases.

Remember, birthdays are a great opportunity to personalise your emails and to offer your giveaway promotion all in one. Customers feel cared for and more likely to visit your website to see what you have to offer.

Evidence Removes Doubt

Called “social proof of concept”, the idea is that a concept seems more appealing if a large number of people are already involved and have “proven” its worth.

For example, a headline might show the large number of subscribers the page already has:

“Subscribe to our newsletter! Over 15,000 members can’t be wrong”

If a large number of people are subscribed, that shows the email recipient that the contents are likely to be worth a look.

A similar strategy uses public figures to make the subject more appealing – a makeup item used by a famous celebrity is more likely to be seen as desirable by a potential customer.

Re-Target Customers

If a customer has visited your store but left without purchasing an item, they could be a good candidate for an email with a re-targeting headline.

There are many reasons that customers may leave items in the cart without finishing the checkout process. Your customers might have been:

  • Put off by the cost of shipping
  • Making a “wish list”
  • Checking how much the total would be
  • Waiting for a discount
  • Not wanting to create an account
  • Concerned about the security of their information

If the product was in their cart, they were at least tempted to make the purchase. Your email marketing headline should capitalise on that and encourage them to make the final step.

You’ve left something behind! Get free shipping now.”

“Finish checking out for a 15% discount – today only”

Email Marketing Headlines For All Occasions

An event creates a sense of occasion and urgency, which encourages people to spend money. There are plenty of holidays and reasons you might have a sale, but you don’t have to wait for a physical event.

Create online promotional events that link to your brand – which could go along with some special offers – and include the most important information in your email headline.

Ask A Question

Questions not only make a headline seem more personal, they invite a response from the reader.

By hinting that a response is desired, you are encouraging action from your customer – starting with them opening the email, and hopefully ending in a sale.

Try headlines that make readers feel like your email needs an answer:

“Is your handbag on trend?”

“Are you coming to Sydney’s biggest party?”


While it is important to create an email that is worth opening, ultimately the most important thing is that the customer opens it in the first place.

There are many types of email marketing headlines that can encourage customers to open your email, and only a few are mentioned here.

For each email, try a few out before you hit send – popular wisdom suggests you write ten headings for each email, and then choose the best one. It might seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it.

Email marketing gets your business right into the hands and homes of your customers, and allows you to personalise and target your ads like never before. Make the most of this inexpensive and highly effective resource by doing your best to ensure that your emails are the ones that are interesting and appealing, and that your customers actually read.